Pour la restauration d ela libre circulation de l'information entre l'Europe et la Russie (à l'exclusion de la propagande de guerre et de la désinformation)
For the restoration of the free flow of information between Europe and Russia (at the exclusion of war propaganda and disinformation). <a rel="me" href="https://mastodon.top/@lange">Mastodon</a>
Comité Denis Diderot
Denis Diderot Committee
United Nations
Council of Europe
Eutelsat IGO
European Union
Sanctions: how and when the EU adopts restrictive measures (Site of the Europen Council)
EU restrictive measures against Russia over Ukraine (since 2014)
EU imposes sanctions on state-owned outlets RT/Russia Today and Sputnik's broadcasting in the EU
Restrictions for Russian Owned-Media Frequently asked questions , 23.3.2022
Tribunal de l'Union européenne : Opération militaire en Ukraine : le président du Tribunal rejette la demande de RT France visant à suspendre les sanctions adoptées par le Conseil, 30 mars 2022
Reports on the Russian audiovisual market by the European Audiovisual Observatory
J'SON & Partners, Brief results of the study of the Russian market of legal video services in 2021, 27.4.2022
TADVISER Статья:Спутниковое_(платное)_ТВ_(рынок_России) Google translate : Satellite pay-TV market in Russia, February 2022
A multi-dimensional approach to disinformation. Report of the independent High level Group on fake news and online disinformation
East-West Digital News
Most Russians get news from TV — poll (TASS, 7.8.2017)
Where do you mostly get national and world news from? (Statista (Statista, 8.10.2021)
The Russians have breviewed the channels. Their trust in TV has decreased, and in Telegram and social networks has grown, Kommersant, 11.5.2022 (Google translate)
Digital The Russian Federation 2021, Report by Hootsuite
Elina Morozova and Yaroslav Vasyanin, "International Space Law and Satellite Telecommunications", Planetary Science, 23 Dec. 2019.
Daniel Voelsen, "Satelliten-Internet als europäisches Projekt Zum politischen Zweck einer europäischen Antwort auf Starlink & Co", SWP-Aktuell 2021/A 57, 02.09.2021
ARTICLE 19 - works for a world where all people everywhere can freely express themselves and actively engage in public life without fear of discrimination.
European Center for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) ECPMF’s mission is to promote, preserve and defend media freedom. It does this by monitoring violations, providing practical support and engaging diverse stakeholders across Europe.
European Federation of Journalists The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) is the largest organisation of journalists in Europe, representing over 320,000 journalists in 73 journalists’ organisations across 45 countries. The EFJ fights for social and professional rights of journalists working in all sectors of the media across Europe through strong trade unions and associations. The EFJ promotes and defends the rights to freedom of expression and information as guaranteed by Article 10 of the European convention on human rights.
Free Press Unlimited - supports local media professionals and journalists, particularly in countries with limited (press) freedom. They are close to their audience and are the best guarantee for a sustainable, professional and diverse media landscape.
Global Freedom Expression - Columbia University. Columbia Global Freedom of Expression seeks to contribute to the development of an integrated and progressive jurisprudence and understanding on freedom of expression and information around the world.
International Press Institute - The International Press Institute (IPI) is a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists who share a common dedication to quality, independent journalism. Together, we promote the conditions that allow journalism to fulfill its public function, the most important of which is the media’s ability to operate free from interference and without fear of retaliation.
Media Freedom Rapid Response The Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) is a Europe-wide mechanism, which tracks, monitors and reacts to violations of press and media freedom in EU Member States and Candidate Countries. This project provides legal support, public advocacy and information to protect journalists and media workers.
Reporters sans frontières / Reporters without Borders (RSF) defends the right of every human being to have access to free and reliable information. This right is essential to know, understand, form an opinion and take action on vital issues in full awareness, both individually and collectively.
Safety of Journalists Platform (Council of Europe) The Platform reports on serious threats to the safety of journalists and media freedom in Europe in order to reinforce the Council of Europe’s response to the threats and member states’ accountability.
In Russia
Representative of Freedom of Media
Council of Europe
Commissionner for Human Rights
Platform to promote the protection of journalism and safety of journalists
European Audiovisual Observatory
EUTELSAT IGO and Eutelsat S.A.
Eutelsat S.A. -
Eutelsat Communications S.A. financial analysis (Central Charts)
European Union
National regulators in Europe
CSA La régulation des chaînes étrangères en France
Russian Federation
Russian TV packagers
The international news channels banned from distribution in Russia
TV5 Monde (BE / CA / CH / FR)
European channels currently distributed on the Russian market by NTV Plus and / or by Trikolor (as at.4.8.2022)
Armenia TV Satellite (AM)
Da Vinci (DE)
Gulli Girl (FR/RU)
MCM Top Russia (FR)
Mezzo (FR)
Mezzo Live HD (FR)
Tiji (FR/RU)
English Club TV (GB)
Fashion One Europe (GB)
Motorsport TV (GB)
TV 1000 Action (GB)
TV 1000 East (GB)
TV 1000 Russkoe Kino (GB)
Viasat Explore Russia (GB)
Viasat History (GB)
Viasat Nature East (GB)
Viasat Sport East (GB)
Flix Snip (HR)
Babes TV (NL)
Barely Legal TV (NL)
Blue Hustler Europe (NL)
Brazzers TV Europe (NL)
Inplus (NL)
Inultra (NL)
Extreme Sports Channel (NL)
Exxxotica (NL)
Nick TV Jr Central & Eastern EUrope (NL)
Playboy TV Europe (NL)
Duck TV SD (RO)
Channels in Russian established in EU or in Ukraine
Detsky Mir (ES)
Nashe Lubimoe Kino (ES)
Museum International (FR)
MyZenTV (FR)
CBS Reality (GB)
JimJam (GB)
Trace Sports Star (GB)
Animal Planet Europe (NL)
Discovery Channel (NL)
Discovery Science (NL)
DTX Fast Europe (NL)
Food Network EMEA (NL)
HGTV Europe (NL)
Investigation Discovery Europe (NL)
TLC Balkan (NL)
TLC Pan Regional (NL)
Travel Channel Europe (NL)
Vozrozhdeniye (UA)
Channels in Russian established outside Europe but available on European satellites
TV Channels from Ukraine
N. TENZER, La guerre de l’information russe : une guerre multidimensionnelle, in A. MERCIER (dir.), La communication politique, Hermes/CNRS, 2017.
M.L. RICHTER, The Kremlin's Platform for 'Useful Idiots' in the West: An Overview of RT's Editorial Strategy and Evidence of Impact, Kremlin Watch, 2017.
V. AGEEVA, "La société russe et la guerre en Ukraine : entre silence et doutes", La revue géopolitique, 7 mai 2022.
"Plongée dans ce que les russes lisent et écoutent dans les médias sous contrôle", Desk Russie, 4 mars 2022
Margarita Zavadskaya, On the harmfulness of Russian polls, Riddle, 4.5.2022
Simon Childs, ‘A Circus Show’: Why Russian State TV Keeps Threatening to Nuke Everything, Vice, 10.5.2022
NATO war in Serbia (1999)
Eutelsat Cuts Off Serb TV Signals Scoring Major Victory for NATO, WSJ, 27.5.1999.
The Serbia Information Ministry Thursday most severely condemned the EUTELSAT Board of Directors decision to discontinue transmitting the Radio-TV Serbia (RTS) satellite program and, thus, make RTS inaccessible in European countries., Serbia Ministry of Information, 27.5.1999.
Plug pulled on Serb satellite TV, BBC News, 27.5.1999
Reporters without frontiers criticize Eutelsat decision, 29.5.1999
Ban of Al-Manaar (2004)
France bans Hizbullah TV station, The Guardian, 15.12.2004
NDTV (2005-2012)
Serge Larcher Question écrite N° 17492 au Ministère de la culture - Fin de contrat de diffusion en Chine de New Tang Dynasty Television par Eutelsat 5.5.2005 et Réponse 4.8.2005
Eutelsat censure la chaîne en chinois NDTV pour satisfaire les autorités de Pékin, RSF, 17.7.2008.
Quand le bouquet Eutelsat fait une fleur à Pékin, Libération, 8.7.2010
Didier Guillaume, Question écrite N° 22136 au Ministère des affaires (caduque), Arrêt de la diffusion de la chaîne indépendante NTDTV vers la Chine, Question soumise le 2 février 2012
Sophie Joissains, Question écrite N° 22523 au Ministère de la culture, Eutelsat et la NTDTV, Question soumise le 23 février 2012, Réponse le 3 mai 2012
Call to close down London-based Arabic radio station (2005)
Call to close down London-based Arabic radio station, The Guardian, 18.8.2005
Iranian channel Saharv (2005)
Sahar1 : Eutelsat mise en demeure, CSA, 10.2.2005
Al Islah TV (2008)
Une chaîne d'opposition cible d'interférences malveillantes : Reporters sans frontières dénonce la passivilité d'Eutelsat, RSF, 2.9.2008.
Iranian jamming of BBC service (2009 - 2013)
Iran elections: BBC World Service battles satellite interference, The Guardian, 19.6.2009
BBC joins international protests against Iranian TV interference, The Guardian, 14.1.2010
US embassy cables: Retaliation planned after Iran jammed BBC broadcasts, The Guardian, 4.2.2010
WikiLeaks cables: Iranian TV channel faced UK sanction over jamming row. The Guardian, 21.12.2010
Iran targets BBC Persian service by jamming signals and harassing staff, The Guardian, 22.2.2013
Launch of the satellite Eutelsat W3 by a Chine rocket Long March (2009)
Michel Boutant (Sénat), Question orale sans débat N° 709 au Ministère de l'écologie Décision d'Eutelsat de confier à une fusée chinoise le lancement de son satellite de télécommunications - Question soumise le 5 novembre 2009 - Réponse par Mme Valérie Létard, secrétaire d'État en charge des technologies vertes et des négociations sur le climat.
"1K" - Perviy Kavkazskiy (2010)
Eutelsat, la télévision géorgienne et les diktats de la censure russe, Le Monde, 2.2.2010
R. Haddad, Eutelsat, relais satellite des régimes autoritaires?, La Règle du jeu, 2.2.2020
Garry Kasparov, Don't cosy up to Russia, Europe, The Guardian, 23.2.2010.
Droit de réponse : Eutelsat nous répond, Libération, 24.2.2010
Roj TV (2012)
Terrordømte Roj TV pilles af satellit, TV2, 19.12012
Fermeture de Roj TV : Eutelsat se substitue à la justice, RSF, 20.1.2012
Russian proposition of sanctions against Eutelsat (2014)
Russian minister seeks Eutelsat sanctions, Broadband TV News, 3.4.2015
Kurdish televisions (2016)
Question en séance du Sénat de M. Michel Millout à Harlem Désir, Secrétaire d'Etat, 19.10.2016
Eutelsat accusé de bloquer des télévisions kurdes, Le Monde, 12.11.2026
Le tribunal ordonne à Eutelsat de rediffuser une chaîne kurde, Le Monde, 15.11.2016
Turquie : Eutelsat condamné à rétablir la diffusion de deux chaînes de TV kurdes, SNJ, 18.11.2016
CGTN (2021)
Interdite de diffusion au Royaume-Uni, CGTN, la télévision internationale d’Etat chinoise, s’en remet à la France, Le Monde, 2.3.2021.